Begin your healing journey with our free worksheets

Begin your healing journey with our free worksheets

Start your healing journey now, for free, with these worksheets. They are designed with the intent to help you better understand and appreciate your inner world.

I believe that the purpose of all mental health work is to learn how to interact with our inner worlds effectively. my suggestion for approaching these exercises is to come from a place of observing yourself, speaking for your experiences instead of from them. This reflective stance will allow you to practice mindfulness when approaching your inner world and provide you with the space to understand why your mind works the way it does.

recommended readings

  • The body keeps the score-Bessel van der Kolk

    This book delves into the profound connection between trauma and the human body, offering insights into how understanding and addressing this connection can aid individuals in their journey to recovery from trauma.

  • Complex PTSD:From surviving to thriving-Pete walker

    Pete Walker provides an invaluable guide for individuals dealing with complex post-traumatic stress disorder, offering practical strategies and insights for survivors seeking to move from survival mode to thriving.

  • The Myth of Normal:Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture-Gabor Maté, Daniel Maté

    Gabor Maté and Daniel Maté explore how societal and cultural factors intersect with trauma and illness, shedding light on how recognizing and addressing these dynamics can contribute to healing and recovery.

  • What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience and Recovery-Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey

    Through heartfelt conversations, this book highlights the transformative power of understanding and addressing trauma, emphasizing the significance of resilience and recovery in one's life journey.

  • Parenting from the inside out-Daniel J. Siegel and Mary Hartzell

    Siegel and Hartzell's work offers a compassionate exploration of how parents' own emotional experiences and healing can positively impact their children's development, making it a valuable resource for individuals recovering from trauma who are also parents.

  • Love sense-dr sue Johnson

    Dr. Sue Johnson's book focuses on the science of love and attachment, providing insight into how understanding and improving our emotional bonds can aid individuals in healing from past emotional wounds and trauma, ultimately fostering healthier relationships and emotional well-being.